Diamond cut is the only one in the 4Cs that is not a result of nature. And it’s arguably the most important because it directly affects how beautiful the diamond looks. But what the real definition of diamond cut?
What is diamond cut?
Well, diamond cut is one of the most misunderstood in the 4Cs. Frequently mistaken as the shape of a diamond, but it pertains to the angle and proportions.
The first “C” of the diamond grade is the ‘cut’, one of the most defining character of a diamond. It’s the diamond cuts that determines the symmetry of the stone’s facets, it’s overall proportions, and its ability to reflect light.
A diamond cut is being graded from being “Ideal” or “Excellent” to “Poor”. A high-quality cut and polish will resort in a symmetrical, brilliant diamond that reflects maximum light back to the viewer.
The cut is the one “C” that you shouldn’t sacrifice when looking for a good deal, as a poorly cut stone will not reflect brilliance and sparkle, no matter the other ratings are.
A diamond comprises five main parts: the table, crown, girdle, pavilion, and the cutlet. Each diamond shape has a different set of criteria for establishing a perfect cut. What makes a well-cut round does not necessarily make a well-cut princess or emerald.
Why you shouldn’t sacrifice the diamond cut?
Table, depth and proportions are a few of the criteria that affect the cut quality of a diamond. To ensure you’re getting the best value, look for a diamond that has a polish and symmetry rating of “Very Good” or better. Image Source: www.jewelers.org
Diamonds heavily included weren’t as brilliant as diamonds with higher clarity grades, because, despite its professional cut, light is obstructed. Inclusions refer to the tiny imperfections that may not be visible to the naked eye.
There are diamonds that are heavier by making the pavilion deeper but might not shine brightly due to ‘light leakage’. Each diamond shape should be cut proportionally and precisely to allow the light to bounce back through the surface in order to achieve maximum brilliance.
The most familiar cut, the round brilliant, features 58 facets, or small, flat, polished planes designed to absorb the maximum amount of light reflected back to the surface. Choosing a diamond cut is a highly personal choice. It’s not always necessary to go for the cut that has the most brilliance. Instead, choose one that appeals to you personally.
Need to know more about diamond technicalities?
At Monty Adams Jewellery Concierge, we take the time to educate our clients about the specifics of their diamond purchase. All our diamonds are natural, and GIA certified.