Engagement rings are precious not just because of their monetary value. The love, desire for commitment, and the promise of a life together all starts with this piece of jewelry. So it makes sense to know all that you possible can about it.

You may be wondering where to start. Below, we’ve chosen the most important details you should remember. From choosing to taking care of the engagement ring, everything that is essential to know is found in this guide.

The Four C’s for Buying diamond engagement ring

  • Cut: Refers to the reflective quality of the diamond, which is mainly caused by its shape. Diamonds that are properly cut will reflect the light that passes through the center of the stone. Poorly cut diamonds, however, will leak light, making them less sparkly.
  • Clarity: Inner marks (inclusions) or outer marks (exclusions) can be found in most diamond rocks. However, you’ll have trouble seeing them with the naked eye. The lesser the blemishes on a diamond, the higher its value. Flawless diamonds, for example, are the most expensive when you measure by clarity.
  • Carat: Carat-weight is measured by the actual weight of the diamond and not its size, as most people think. The heavier it is, the higher its carat-weight. Larger diamonds aren’t necessarily more expensive. Cut, Clarity, and Colour will also greatly affect its price.
  • Colour: The closer a diamond is to being colourless, the more valuable the stone usually is. However, there are cases when a particular coloured stone may be more expensive than a colourless one because of its rarity and size. Diamond colours are graded by letters from D (colourless) to Z (light yellow). The further down the alphabet a diamond is, the more yellow the stone will look.


Common Misconceptions When Shopping for Engagement Rings

Bigger the Diamond, the Better

It’s a common misconception that women always want the bigger ring. Another outdated belief, one held by women, is that the size of the rock on their ring reflects the amount of their partner’s love.

Spend 2 Months Salary on the Engagement Ring

This misconception has been around for so long that even we have trouble finding out where it came from. It’s not a rule and not tradition. It’s an advertising slogan. Spend what you think is reasonable for the engagement ring, whether it’s half a month, one month, or even just what you can afford that will still make her happy.

It Has to be a Surprise

While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to surprise the love of your life, you may need to rethink that approach. Deciding on a ring is a big deal, and it’s sometimes better to ditch the surprise factor and just shop for a ring together.

Different Engagement Ring Settings and Styles

The style and setting of your engagement ring matters just as much as the stone. The options to choose from can seem dizzying at first, but what matters is that the engagement ring reflects your partner’s style in a sense. There are so many different settings and styles to choose from, so make sure you dive in well-informed before actually buying a ring.


Engagement Ring Care and Maintenance

Cut: Refers to the reflective quality of the diamond, which is mainly caused by its shape. Diamonds that are properly cut will reflect the light that passes through the center of the stone. Poorly cut diamonds, however, will leak light, making them less sparkly.

Clarity: Inner marks (inclusions) or outer marks (exclusions) can be found in most diamond rocks. However, you’ll have trouble seeing them with the naked eye. The lesser the blemishes on a diamond, the higher its value. Flawless diamonds, for example, are the most expensive when you measure by clarity.

Carat: Carat-weight is measured by the actual weight of the diamond and not its size, as most people think. The heavier it is, the higher its carat-weight. Larger diamonds aren’t necessarily more expensive. Cut, Clarity, and Colour will also greatly affect its price.

Colour: The closer a diamond is to being colourless, the more valuable the stone usually is. However, there are cases when a particular coloured stone may be more expensive than a colourless one because of its rarity and size. Diamond colours are graded by letters from D (colourless) to Z (light yellow). The further down the alphabet a diamond is, the more yellow the stone will look.

Ready to Buy an Engagement Ring?

Or maybe you have questions about choosing one? Get in touch with a professional jeweler today. Book an appointment with Monty Adams and explore our selection of engagement rings that will take her breath away.

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