Natural Diamonds

What is a Natural diamond?

Formed in the mantle deep beneath the Earth’s crust billions of years ago, natural diamonds beautiful, rare and steeped in history.

How is a Natural diamond made?

Natural Diamonds are formed naturally in the mantle, deep beneath the Earth’s crust, where the pressure and temperature are very high. To access natural diamonds, they must be mined, but only when a volcano erupts, which brings the diamonds closer to the surface. These occurrences are rare, and so it is one of the reasons for the rarity of natural diamonds.

Lab-Grown Diamonds

What is a lab-grown diamond?

An environmentally-friendly and affordable alternative to Natural Diamonds, lab grown diamonds match a natural diamond’s chemical, physical and optical properties and share the same scintillation, fire and sparkle.

How is a lab grown diamond made?

Lab-grown diamonds are grown in highly-controlled laboratory conditions, replicating the same process as naturally formed diamonds, using advanced technological applications and two methods called High-Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). Each method is selected and best suited for certain sizes & colour of each diamond.

A lab-grown diamond starts with a ‘diamond seed’, which is a minuscule slice of a diamond, carbon atoms are grown around this seed producing a larger, rough diamond.

Lab-grown diamonds are grown all over the world, but lab-grown diamond production is prominently found:

  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Belgium
  • Netherlands
  • Germany
  • Ukraine
  • Israel
  • India
  • China
  • Singapore
  • Japan

How Long Does it Take to create a Lab Grown Diamond?

Unlike natural diamonds, which form beneath the Earth’s surface over millions of years under extremely high pressure and heat, lab-grown diamonds are formed within six to ten weeks. A 1 Carat lab-grown diamond takes around 7-10 days to be made, while a 3 Carat Diamond takes approximately a month.

Why is it important not to rush Lab Grown Diamond Growing?

If the growth process is rushed, the lab grown diamond crystal will fracture or develop voids that produce a grey colour.

Are lab grown diamonds real?

As lab grown diamonds share the same chemical, optical, physical properties and go through replicated conditions and geological processes as a natural diamond, they are as real as natural diamonds.

The importance of understanding if a lab grown diamond is real or not is understanding how it is created.

Cubic Zirconia

What is cubic zirconia?

Cubic zirconia (CZ) is a cubic crystalised of zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) with a combination of stabilisers. Cubic Zirconia and the synthesized material is usually colorless and hard but can be customised and made a variety of different colors. Another word for Cubic Zirconia is cubic zirconium.

Diamond simulants such as Cubic Zirconia and are fake replicas of Natural Diamonds, and do not share the same chemical, optical, physical and crystal structural properties or exhibit the same scintillation, fire and sparkle as natural diamonds.

How is cubic zirconia made?

Cubic zirconia are made by melting zirconium oxide powder with stabilizers such as magnesium and calcium at for hours at a high heat of 2750°C. These powder and stabilisers are then removed from the heat and crystals form and stabilize. The formed crystals are then cut and polished.

Why it’s important to get the terminology right?

A lot of debate surrounds what defines a lab grown diamond and some people may refer to them as imitations, “fake diamonds” and “diamond simulants”. Laboratory diamonds are also referred to as; lab-created diamonds, synthetic diamonds, grown diamonds, cultivated diamonds and cultured diamonds.

Synthetic Diamonds

Synthetic diamonds are another name used for lab grown diamonds, although those in the industry believe this term cheapens the product, and creates confusion between synthetic (Lab Grown diamonds) and diamond simulants (such as Cubin Zirconia and Moissanite)

 Are lab grown diamonds better than natural diamond?

Both Lab Grown and Natural Diamonds have their advantages and disadvantage, therefore none are better than the other. Your choice between Lab Grown Diamonds and Natural is not whether they are better but what you want from your engagement ring. Lab Grown Diamonds offer excellent value and costs approximately 30% less than similar size and quality natural diamonds. As Lab Grown Diamonds are cheaper than Natural Diamonds, you can select a diamond for the same price range as a Natural Diamond with a much better quality overall. Whereas Natural Diamonds as very rare having formed over millions of years, whereas lab-created diamonds can be mass produced therefore natural diamonds are rarer than lab grown. The rarity is makes them more valuable to those purchasing who care about the history behind the diamond.

Are lab grown diamonds or Cubin Zirconia better than natural diamonds?

Diamond simulants such as Cubic Zirconia and Moissanite are fake replicas of Natural Diamonds, they do not share the same chemical, optical, physical and crystal structural properties or exhibit the same scintillation, fire and sparkle as natural diamonds, which Lab Grown diamonds do.

A lab grown diamond is not the same as diamond simulants such as Cubic Zirconia, Moissanite or a Cubic Zirconia with a diamond like carbon coating.

Cubic Zirconia diamond simulants have no carbon, whereas a lab diamonds and natural diamonds are 100% entirely made from carbon.

Cubin Zirconia’s are weaker, have different patterning and light performance, than Lab Grown Diamonds and Natural Diamonds

How to tell if a diamond is lab grown?

How to tell the difference between diamond and natural diamond?

The main difference between a lab grown diamond and a natural diamond is how it is created. A Lab Grown diamond consists of carbon atoms arranged in a characteristic diamond crystal structure, where the same geological conditions and processes (the HPHT and CVD process) replicated, a lab grown diamond has the same chemical and physical properties of a Natural Diamond.

Can a Jeweller tell if a diamond is lab grown?

All Lab Grown Diamonds are Valued, certified and graded using the same standards and procedures as Natural diamonds.

Lab grown and natural diamonds are difficult to differentiate to even a trained eye and most traditional jewellers’ tools such as loupes and microscopes cannot detect the difference. Lab grown diamonds exhibit the same scintillation, fire and sparkle as natural diamonds, so you can only tell the difference between lab grown and natural diamonds with specialised equipment or looking at the grading report.

The geological equipment that can accurately detect and determine a natural or lab grown diamond is very expensive and the process is extremely complicated. A Photoluminescence Spectroscopy is the most accurate method of detection and requires deep freezing the diamond to 320°F.

Both Lab Grown and Natural Diamonds are graded on the 4C’s also known as the Diamond Fundamentals; colour, clarity, cut and carat. When choosing between Lab Grown or Natural Diamonds and choosing a ring you must consider the 4Cs.

Monty Adams’ expert concierge service will help you understand what these mean and guide you through the process, advising you on budget dependant factors whilst taking into consideration you and your partner’s desires.

We can advise you on the four Diamond Fundamentals; colour, clarity, cut and carat and how to make a budget friendly choice between Natural or Lab Grown Diamonds, with our award-winning service which walks you through every step of the way from start to finish, to help design your dream piece of jewellery with your personal concierge.

Our experts can advise you on the 4C’s and other important factors such as Diamond Grading and Valuations.

Check out our informative guides on The 4 Cs of Buying Diamonds and our video of The Introduction to The 4 C’s.

Can cubic zirconia pass a diamond tester?

A jeweller can easily differentiate between a diamond simulant such as Cubic Zirconia and moissanite using simple, low-cost jeweller testing tools due to their easy-to-detect inferior, weaker quality than Natural and Lab Grown Diamonds.

Should I buy a lab grown or natural diamond Engagement ring?

There is no right or wrong answer on what diamond is best for you or which to choose for your unique engagement ring. Both Lab Grown Diamonds and Natural Diamonds offer a beautiful array of choices and possibilities. The ultimate decision comes down to personal preference, what you want your diamond to represent and your budget.

Buying Lab Grown Diamond

Lab grown are definitely a worthwhile purchase, they offer an excellent, cost-effective value considering the time, effort and expertise that factor into creating some of the world’s highest, most beautiful quality Lab Grown Diamonds.

The main reasons why you should consider Lab Grown Diamonds

  1. Value & Cost Effective

Offer excellent value and costs approximately 30% less than similar size and quality natural diamonds

  1. Value, certified and grading standards

Valued, certified and graded using the same standards and procedures as Natural diamonds.

  1. Value & Quality

Lab grown diamonds have the same physical, chemical, optical, scintillation, fire and sparkle as natural diamonds properties as mined diamonds.

  1. Mining Free

An environmentally friendly and mindful choice.

There are beautiful, rare and high purity Lab Grown Diamonds Available with the same scintillation, fire and sparkle as natural diamonds properties as mined diamonds.

Type IIa purity diamonds offer bright white fire and sparkle, with a super clean crystal material, have no milkiness or fluorescence and have a noticeable brighter scintillation.

Technological advancements in laser cuttings and diamond scanning have resulted in beautiful lab grown diamonds with the ideal, perfect cuts, no panelling or bow ties, all with lower prices than equivalent quality natural, mined diamonds.

Are Lab Grown Diamonds Flawless and Perfect?

As Lab Grown Diamonds are created simulating the same conditions as natural diamonds, they are not flawless or perfect, they are at the mercy of science and there is no way to always guarantee a perfect, flawless stone. Lab Grown Diamonds range in colour, clarity and just like mined diamonds they can vary in quality beyond the 4cs.

How long do lab-grown diamonds last and do they fade or discolour?

Lab grown diamonds last forever, just like Natural Diamonds and they do not fade, discolour or cloud over time.

You should buy a lab grown diamond if:

  • You are looking for a budget-friendly option
  • Appreciate advancements in modern and believe it represents modern love
  • Looking for an environmentally friendly alternative to mined diamonds

How much cheaper is a lab grown diamond?

Lab Grown Diamonds offer excellent value and costs approximately 30% less than similar size and quality natural diamonds. Natural Diamonds can cost 30-50% more than Lab Diamonds that are similar size and quality with similar physical, chemical, optical properties.

Lab grown and natural diamonds have the same costs when it comes to cutting, polishing, and inspection. The difference in price stems from the difference in the costs and processes leading up to that point, primarily the heavy cost of mining.

Lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds are valued, certified and graded using the same standards and procedures, even though the price of Natural Diamond is higher. As Lab Grown Diamonds are cheaper than Natural Diamonds, you can select a diamond for the same price range as a Natural Diamond with a much better quality overall.

Buying a Lab Grown Diamond

Are Lab Diamond worth the money?

Lab grown are definitely a worthwhile purchase, they offer an excellent, cost-effective value considering the time, effort and expertise that factor into creating some of the world’s highest, most beautiful quality Lab Grown Diamonds.

What are the disadvantages of Lab Diamonds?

Lab grown diamonds can vary in quality and not all lab diamond are the same, depending on where they are purchased, how quickly they were made and the conditions they are made in.

What is a bad Lab grown diamond and what are nascent diamond growers?

Badly-made, poorly cut and low quality diamonds are sold on budget ecommerce sites and some recently nascent growers are taking short cuts in the growing process with irradiation and bad cutting methods so that they can mass-produce diamonds quickly.

The faster you grow the diamond, the worse the quality. Beautiful, perfectly grown, colourless and high clarity Lab-created Diamonds take time and patience.

What is the difference between High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) VS Low Quality HPHT when growing a lab grown diamond?

The High-Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) method can create a diamond with a blue, phosphorescence tinge and Irradiated High Pressure High Temperature diamonds can often look grey as they have excess of aluminium and titanium.

High Quality CVD vs Low Quality CVD

Chemical Vapor Deposition that are grown too quickly, can appear cloudy and lifeless, and have a black surface due to excess polycrystalline.

If a cheap seed is used, the crystal strain and graining can produce blurriness within the diamond.

High Quality CVD diamonds can cost 2-3 times more than lower quality CVD.

These elements can significantly reduce resale and value and is often not obvious to the naked or untrained eye or at first glance.

The main disadvantage of a Lab Grown Diamond

  1. Less Quality assurance than Natural

Wholesalers, growers or budget eCommerce sites take shortcuts to reduce the time and costs of manufacturing resulting in poor quality diamonds.

  1. Rarity & HistoryEasily mass-produced as they are manufactured.
  1. Less Value than Natural DiamondsA lab grown diamond has lower resale value than a natural diamond

Lab grown diamond resale value

Depending on the quality, a 1 carat lab grown diamond’s resale value on the secondary market can sell for over $800. A Valuation is determined by certain values, such as; colour, clarity, carat weight, and cut.

There is no difference between the process valuation certification for both Lab Grown Diamond Rings and Natural diamond engagement ring. Depending on the quality, a 1 carat natural diamond’s resale value on the secondary market can sell anywhere between $2000 to $20,000; a 1 carat lab grown diamond with the same quality could sell for $800.

Buying lab grown diamonds online vs retail or custom-made jewellers

A wholesaler or budget ecommerce site often requires you to buy the diamond up-front and sight-unseen, without inspection prior to shipment, compared to face-to-face retail or a custom concierge service.

We always recommend viewing your lab grown diamond prior to purchase and getting a grading report.

At Month Adams, we inspect every diamond we sell and offer grading reports, insurance and 100% workmanship guaranteed.

Buying Natural Diamonds

Natural Diamonds are mined naturally from the earth and formed over billions of years ago which gives them an unprecedented historic charm and rarity, they are truly a valuable purchase.

  1. Large Selection

A large selection of readily available of sizes, shapes and designs to choose from.

  1. Quality assurance

Incredible quality compared to Lab Grown

  1. Rarity & History

Formed billions of years ago, giving them an unprecedented historic charm.

  1. More Value than Lab Grown

A natural diamond has higher resale value than a lab grown diamond

Natural Diamond resale value

Depending on the quality, a 1 carat natural diamond’s resale value on the secondary market can sell anywhere between $2000 to $20,000; a 1 carat lab grown diamond with the same quality could sell for $800.

Natural Diamond Rarity and History

Formed over billions of years, natural diamonds are very rare, whereas lab-created diamonds can be mass produced therefore natural diamonds are rarer than lab grown. The rarity is makes them more valuable to those purchasing who care about the history behind the diamond.

You should buy a natural diamond if:

  • If the history, rarity, and natural process of being formed over years from the Earth is important to you
  • You believe it represents a classic approach to love than lab grown diamonds

Where to buy a Natural diamond?

Explore our high-quality, rare and beautiful natural diamonds

What are the disadvantages of Lab Grown Diamonds?

  1. Less Quality assurance than Natural
    Wholesalers, growers or budget eCommerce sites take shortcuts to reduce the time and costs of manufacturing resulting in poor quality diamonds.
  2. Rarity & History
    Easily mass-produced as they are manufactured.
  3. Less Value than Natural Diamonds
    A lab grown diamond has lower resale value than a natural diamond

Buying Cubic Zirconia

How much cheaper is a Cubic Zirconia?

Cubic zirconia simulants are substantially cheaper than natural diamonds. Cubic zirconias can be purchased for as little as 0.30% compared to a natural diamond. A 1 carat cubic zirconia is worth $40AUD compared to a flawless 1 carat colorless Natural diamond graded D at a cost of around $24,000AUD.

Where to buy a Cubic Zirconia?

Cubic Zirconia’s are NOT diamonds. Suggest we remove this reference [GU1]

You can buy a large range of loose Cubic Zirconia throughout all of Australia. Cubic Zirconia are not rare and therefore can be purchased at many local diamond shops.

At Monty Adams we can custom make your engagement ring with any gemstone of your choice, including Cubic Zirconia. We can help you with finding the perfect band, setting and ring for your Cubic Zirconia.

Are Cubic Zirconia worth the money?

From a value standpoint you really can’t beat a Cubic Zirconia, they offer a budget friendly alternative for a fraction of the price of Natural and Lab Grown Diamonds.  You can measure the value of cubic zirconia stones value for the money you don’t spend on it compared to Natural and Lab Grown Diamonds. Although from a quality point, they cannot compare to Natural or Lab Grown diamonds- they look similar but differ drastically in clarity, quality and resale value. A lower price does not mean a better value or deal.

Cubic Zirconia resale value

Cubic Zirconia carry little to no market resale value, although prices differ significantly between diamonds and cubic zirconia, due to their physical features, quality and clarity a lower price does not mean a better value or deal. compared to Natural or even Lab Grown Diamonds

Diamond Grading Reports

When it comes to lab grown and natural diamonds, there is more than just the 4Cs. You also need a document called the Diamond Grading Report.

Can I get a Diamond Grading Report for my Lab Grown Diamond?

Yes. You can get a Diamond Grading Report in the exact same way as a Natural Diamond.

What is a diamond grading report?

A Diamond Grading Report is a document that provides a thorough, meticulous examination of your diamond and every important characteristic.

How do I get a diamond grading report?

The most convenient way to obtain a Diamond Grading Report is through a fine jeweller who have achieved a professional certification and have practical knowledge regarding diamond grading. These experts will have completed a Practical Diamond Grading (PDG) course.

Understanding diamond grading and the valuation certificate is very important when finding a suitable jeweller and entering the selection and buying stage of your engagement ring.

This is a big consideration when choosing where to go for your engagement ring and whether to shop retail or getting your ring custom-made, and whether you wish to buy online or instore.

Being able to visit the jewellery store or have the jeweller travel to you is important when placing your trust in a jeweller. Enquiring about certification and getting diamond grading reports can prove difficult when buying online. Therefore, we always suggest a face-to-face consultation where you can ask questions and build trust and a relationship trust.

Monty Adams isn’t like traditional jewellery stores: our award-winning jewellery designers in Sydney. We deliver a personalised experience that for your custom engagement rings in melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane unlike any other. You’ll be appointed your very own personal jewellery concierge, who will travel to you for private consultations to discuss your ideas, inspirations and budget.

Most Concierge services that create bespoke, custom rings have completed the Practical Diamond Grading Certification course, whereas some, if not most, retail stores have not.

Most retail store employees have experience only within the retail space and are able to sell the goods that are within their stores. Whereas concierge services that offer custom rings are specialised to provide professional and qualified advice and services, specifically regarding Custom made rings and technical knowledge of custom-made jewellery and rings, compared to retail stores.

Monty Adams’ talented, passionate and knowledgeable Sales Concierges and Diamond Specialists can advise you on diamond grading and valuation, with their wealth of experience and technical knowledge having completed the Practical Diamond Grading Certificate.

Diamond Grading Report, Ring insurance and Guarantees: Lab Grown Diamond Vs Natural Diamond

There is no difference between the process of getting insurance and guarantees for both Lab Grown diamond engagement ring and Natural Diamond Engagement rings. Although, you must ensure you tell the jeweller and insurer whether your diamond is Lab Grown or Natural.

Ring Insurance & Guarantees

Insurance may sound unromantic, but peace of mind is important, and getting the ring insured is easier than you think. Your local jeweller may offer it as a rider with your purchase.

 Here are a few questions before you choose a jewellery insurance policy:

  • Is the ring insured if you lose it unintentionally – or only if it gets stolen?
  • How will they replace the ring? A replacement can be offered in cash, check, or with another purchase in the same store.
  • Is the ring insured fully or only a fraction of the cost?
  • What are the requirements needed to claim your insurance?
  • What are the circumstances of loss or damage that aren’t covered?
  • If your ring is a vintage, how will the quality or size of the diamond be documented?

A reliable jeweller offers protection for your Lab Grown or Natural Diamond ring as well as other after-sales services that help keep your jewellery in tip-top condition.

With Monty Adams, you can choose from our wide range of Natural and Lab Grown Diamonds, using our beautiful existing designs or create your own individual design, all upheld by our lifetime workmanship guarantee. Check out our Lifetime Guarantee Video for more information.

Our insurance replacement certificate adds an extra layer of protection to your valuable possession. You can rest easy knowing that you can be compensated when an unfortunate event occurs. We offer insurance policies that are backed by award-winning insurance firms.

Valuation Certificates and reports: Natural Diamonds vs Lab Grown Diamonds

There is no difference between the process valuation certification for both Lab Grown Diamond Rings and Natural Diamond Engagement rings.

What Is a Valuation Certificate or Report?

A valuation report will value your engagement ring at high street value and is used for authentication. If you misplace or damage your engagement ring, your insurance company will allow you to get a replacement for the high street value indicated on you valuation certificate or report.

A Valuation reports includes all of the properties of the engagement ring that determine its value, such as; colour, clarity, carat weight, and cut. The valuation certificate often has pictures showing the design and condition of your engagement ring.

It is important to always ask your jewellers if they provide valuation reports for your Lab Grown or Natural Diamond, along with a workmanship guarantee and insurance. Therefore, we always suggest a face-to-face consultation where you can ask questions and build trust and a relationship.

Monty Adams Diamonds

Monty Adams appointed personal jewellery concierges can be seen instore or can travel to you for private consultations. They will discuss any concerns, valuations or certifications you may have.

Monty Adams will help you determine the true value of your assets. Every valuation is regarded with utmost confidentiality and carried out securely. This could be done for the sole purpose of valuation or for family settlement.

Face-to-face, private consultations are the key to establishing trust with your engagement ring provider, after all, this is one of the most important pieces of jewellery you will ever buy. Visit our website to find out more about us, our services and who we are.

Every piece of jewellery holds value that one cannot simply replace. At Monty Adams, we know that each ring, bracelet or necklace has a story to tell—and this has inspired us to not only provide 100% lifetime workmanship guarantee but also provide quality jewellery repairs that not only restore significant pieces, preserving the memories they represent.

The Monty Adams Purchase Process

When you purchase your Lab Grown or Natural Diamond engagement ring from Monty Adams, you will be appointed your very own personal jewellery concierge who will guide you every step of the way, helping to determine the best option for your budget and style. They will meet you at a convenient time and location that you choose to discuss every little detail of your ring, which will then be handcrafted by artisan jewellers just for you.

Assurance of Quality

At Monty Adams, we pride ourselves on producing quality Lab Grown and Natural Diamond bespoke engagement rings that are crafted to your specification. All our pieces come certified and a lifetime warranty so you can be well assured that your forever piece is of the best quality and legitimacy.

The mobile nature of our business allows us to fit into your schedule to ensure you are receiving the best advice and guidance, giving you a piece that you will cherish for many years to come.

Our mobile model also means we have little overhead, allowing us to pass our savings onto you! So, what are you waiting for? Book your complimentary and obligation-free appointment today to start designing your next forever piece.

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